Environmental Governance: The Importance of Small Steps
Sustainability is affecting different aspects of our lives, and the IT industry is not an exception. In 2020, digital technology usage was responsible for nearly 4% of global CO2 emissions, and despite the efforts of major industry players, the number is only going to increase. How can technology be more sustainable? Going green is the answer. In particular, the combination of green data centers and energy-saving software is an excellent solution for the IT industry.
Inevitable Changes
Typically data centers consume enormous amounts of energy, constantly requiring a power supply and a cooling system to avoid overheating. Moreover, server underutilisation results in energy waste. That is why green data centers are a game-changer in the industry. The right choice of infrastructure and increased hardware utilisation rate can turn a usual data center into a powerful, resilient and cost-effective green technology unit. After the necessary modernisation of outdated systems (such as inactive or underused servers), data centers and their customers take undisputable advantage of newer, more efficient technologies and accelerate the global sustainability progress by their choice. Moreover, today digital transformation is ready to deliver ultra-modern advanced solutions like AI-driven climate control systems, liquid cooling and fuel cells equipment that reinforce the effect of innovations inside data centers.
The important role in successfully operating a modern data center is played by software products that help not only monitor the workload and predict possible problems but also improve the energy efficiency and increase OpEx and CapEx savings. Our product FishOS is designed to optimally manage and save resources. For instance, FishOS can quickly reach a three times rise of the server utilisation rate, which leads to 67% of the energy OpEx reduction. It is an entirely achievable result and by no means the limit.
There is no doubt that the solution for the global environmental problem lies in the collaboration of business companies, technologies, government and media.
Choice and Responsibility
After making the first step, it is essential to stay on the journey. Environmental governance is not about just releasing the corporate news and talking about sustainability significance. This journey is a series of small steps, and each step in the right direction does matter a lot. The way you are doing business, making everyday decisions, inspiring your employees and partners to choose and join the green IT movement can cause great changes in the industry. As an ancient Chinese proverb says, ”Be not afraid to move slowly, be afraid of standing still”.
According to the latest IDC analyst report, 89% of organizations prefer to do business with a partner with similar sustainability goals. Sardina Systems is definitely among those organizations. We are making a difference by choosing the “greenest” partnerships for our activity. We are proud to collaborate with the companies that made a conscious green choice to improve the industry and provide cutting edge technologies for reducing the harmful impact of energy wastage and CO2 emission. Equinix, for instance, designs and operates data centers with high energy efficiency standards and a long-term goal of using 100% clean and renewable energy for their global platform. The Indonesian company Btech stands on the principles of efficient and environmentally-friendly ICT utilisation. Incorporating ethical standards of honesty and integrity, Sardina’s partner MiTAC implements sustainability concepts into its code of conduct. Being the recognized industry leader and our reliable partner, Hewlett Packard Enterprise takes the first line in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index.
At the same time, Sardina’s Team does its best to find new like-minded companies among providers and integrators, and establish the green vector in future partnerships with them. Today, approximately one-third of Sardina’s service providers are green, and we plan to amplify the number in the oncoming period.
We Care Green
Sardina also does small things to go greener, for example, the company has never had an office since its establishment in 2014. Reduced carbon footprint, reduced consumption of paper and plastic, and reduced energy consumption are just some examples of the benefits Sardina capitalizes on from working remotely.
Sardina Systems remains cognizant that all industry players should unite their efforts to find solutions and reach global goals that are sustainable for our planet. Our brainchild FishOS plays its role by helping data centers become ‘greener’ with AI-based software and optimize hardware usage by increasing its utilization rate. Our position is to be ready and open for further collaboration and green initiatives support.
We are on our green journey and warmly invite you to join!